
Nuances of multi-quantum excitation in solid state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei

In this article, a simple heuristic approach that is in agreement with the density operator formalism is presented for understanding the mechanism of multi-quantum (MQ) excitation in half-integral quadrupolar systems. Employing the population level …

Understanding multi-quantum NMR through secular approximation

With the development of technology and improved understanding of nuclear spin–spin interactions and their behavior in static/oscillating magnetic fields, NMR spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful tool for characterizing molecular structure in a wide …

Concept of effective Hamiltonians for transitions in multi-level systems

Employing the concept of effective Hamiltonians, an analytical theory is introduced to describe transitions in a multi-level system in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Specifically, the discussion is centered towards the treatment of …